Generally what fits on the viewable area of a web browser (a computer monitor) in terms of width is a page. The length of your web page is also important. It is best to try to keep pages short and if necessary split the page into 2 or more pages. All these decisions need to be taken in keeping with the website design.
In terms of content, a balance of animation, graphical elements, photographs and text should be used in order to convey the right message to your customers and prospects. This ensures that the website is easy to use and performs well along with helping search engine optimization. Providing us with examples of websites that you like and believe are close to what you are trying to achieve, makes it simple for us to understand what you want.
Alternatively, if there are no examples you can give us, you can also show us work that is close to what you need. Our web designers have the experience to close this gap to your satisfaction.